V i t a
1981 - * in Großenhain/Saxony/GDR
2001 - 2007 - Studies in Geology - TU Bergakademie Freiberg
2008 - 2011 Research associate at University Bremen
PhD project - Palaeogene carbonate platforms under climatic and tectonic stress
Since 2011 employed as geologist in Kassel
I started taking pictures in the 1980s with a Beirette SL 100N - an orange plastic camera (-;
First serious shots with a Praktica MTL 5B in the mid-90s
Since 2005 particularly digital pictures but first trials in the darkroom as well
Since 2008 vintage printing techniques (cyanotype)
Particularly portrait & nude photography 'cause I like to work with people...
Why? People can tell me what they like and what they don't...it helps me to improve my photography...
Interested? Just contact me and ask for a shooting!
(c) Susan Jolie (2008)